"A shocking, profoundly moving, and morally challenging story... nothing short of miraculous. It will haunt you, it will help to complete you..." - Augusten Burroughs. New York Times bestselling author of a Wolf at the Table and Running with Scissors

Monday, October 11, 2010

"You poor little girl. May God have pity."

A middle-aged woman crossed the street and quickly pressed some thing into her hand. It was a small roll of soft bread. The woman was shooed off by a policeman. The girl had just enough time to see her return to the other side of the street. The woman had said, "You poor little girl. May God have pity." What was God doing, thought the girl, dully. Had God given up on them? Was he punishing them for something she did not know about? Her parents were not religious, although she knew they believed in God. they had not brought her up in the traditional religious fashion, like Armelle had been by her parents, respecting all rites. The girl wondered whether this was not their punishment. Their punishment for not practicing their religion well enough.    Pg. 56

I think this paragraph was interesting because while Sarah was waiting for the train, a Parisian woman came over to Sarah and gave her some food. I think this shows that not everyone was agreeing with what the police were doing. That woman could have been killed for trying to help the Jews but she was willing to risk that to help Sarah even in the tiniest bit. I also think this paragraph is important because Sarah thinks she is being punished because they are "not practicing their religion well enough." The real reason they are being punished is because of their type religion not because they don't practice it well enough. Other than the obvious fact of it being totally horrid and unfair, it was really unfair that the French and German didn't even explain to them why they were doing such horrible things. I think it's kind of ironic how the woman is saying "May God have pity" to Sarah, when Sarah thinks she's being punished for not practicing well enough but then God is going to have pity on her anyways even if she doesn't really believe.

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